So why is lavender oil our #1? For a whole lot of reasons.
First, it has multiple health properties, particularly for the skin. Lavender is antiseptic, antimicrobial, anti fungal, and antibacterial. When using it for your skin, it adds a protective component, and you can use it "neat," meaning it's so gentle you can apply it directly to the skin. We love to blend the oil with other helpful ingredients, but it's good to know that the main ingredient - lavender oil - typically won't cause issues when applied.
We know everyone is doing a lot of handwashing which can lead quickly to chapped hands. Lavender oil, and products with it, help soothe the skin with its anti-inflammatory properties, and heal the dryness.
Are you struggling to keep your hands from chapping right now? Take a look at our new handwashing kit we developed with a colleague who's a Ph.D. It comes with an all-natural hand sanitizer that contains lavender and tea tree oils, two lavender lotions, paper towels, and instructions on how to properly wash and care for your hands.
Hand Washing Travel Kit
Hand Washing Travel Kit
- Tags: Hand sanitizer Hand washing travel kit Lavender essential oil uses Tea Tree essential oil uses