Buying Lavender Plants

Lavender Cuttings

Pruning Lavender - What You Need To Know

A Guide On Buying Healthy Lavender Plants

How to buy lavender plants and what to look for is a guide to use when you’re at the garden center, on the internet or ordering via mail order.

When handling plants for inspection at a garden center ask an attendant to help you inspect the plant. This will prevent plant damage for the next buyer and business owner's plant inventory.


  1. Is it healthy?

The leaves should be a nice dark green color with no brown spots or dead leaves. Lavender is similar to the rosemary plant. If there's any sign of brown or crispy leaves then the plant maybe dying and should not be purchased. This is caused by nutrient deficiency, over watering or caused by insect damage.


  1. Is it root bound?

The plant should not have its root growing in a ball or around and around on the bottom of the pot. If the roots are tangled and growing in circles then its root bound. Take the plant gently from its pot container and inspect the bottom.  If you see roots growing outside the pot through the little air/water holes then it’s crowded and overgrown.


It's still a viable plant, but it may take longer to adjust and start growing normally when its planted. If a root bound plant is purchased just spread the roots out gently when planting it into your herb garden. Use either a pencil or your finger to separate the roots. Water well and watch for stress or disease.


  1. Is there insect damage?

By this I mean take a real look at the plant to see if there are any insects around the roots. Pill bugs love to eat lavender plants.


  1. Has this been propagated by cuttings and ready for sale?

Check the plant by gently turning the pot over and tap out the plant into your hand. If this is a new transplant you will not see any new root growth. If there are a few roots and you see new leaf growth then this plant is a good choice for purchasing.


  1. Buy the plant

If none of the above are present then purchase the plant. A good idea is to make a note of this company’s healthy plant practices and staffs attention to plant care.


  1. If you buy lavender plants from a supermarket, hardware store or big box store they may be priced low for a reason.
They usually are not attended too like garden centers. Ask when these herbs we’re stocked. Refer to 1 through 4 to make sure the plant still meets the buying guidelines. You can ask an attendant for help inspecting the plant too.


Buying Lavender Plants via the Internet or Mail


This one is more challenging because you don’t know whether you have a healthy plant until it’s been delivered. This is what I’ve learned and use as a guide.


  1. Is this a reputable company regarding their guarantee?


  1. Do they allow you to receive a credit if the plant has been delivered when it’s been damaged?


  1. If there's been insect damage can you get a refund, or can they send you another plant ASAP?


  1. If you notice there has been damage – a broken stem or insect damage then contact the supplier quickly.

    I could actually see the pill bugs around the plant and soil from one company I purchased my lavender plants.


  1. What type of credit will they give you – either store credit or an actual refund?


    • If this happens again next year are you willing to continue to do business with them? Sometimes it may be a mishap that happens and doesn’t happen again. 
    •  I’ve learned to inspect my purchased plants as soon as they arrive and take them out of the boxes they’ve been shipped in. Water them a little and place them in my garage or sunny spot until I can plant them within a week or so. Sooner is better because these plants are in shock just from being transported long distances.