It's the kick-off to summer, and you know what that means - it's also critter season! Protect yourself and your skin with our all-natural, handmade bug soaps.
Created with lemon eucalyptus, tea tree, lavender, Litsea Cubeba and goat's milk, you'll smell wonderful to people but not the bugs that like to bite. Plus, your skin will be soft and smooth thanks to the goat's milk.
Protect your skin every day in the best way possible, with a warm shower or bath and a bug soap from Vermont Lavender.We had some spectacular weather this weekend, didn't we?
If you enjoyed it and now find yourself peeling a bit from a little too much sun, Vermont Lavender has the perfect soaps to help exfoliate your skin: our Lavender Honey Oatmeal, Lemon Poppy, and/or Coffee Soaps.
The important part to remember when exfoliating your skin, especially on the face, is that the process is gentle. The oatmeal in our Lavender Honey Oatmeal soap is very finely ground so it gently removes dead skin cells - it's perfect for using on your face.The Lemon Poppy and Coffee Soaps are wonderful for the body so you can have smooth, supple skin all summer long. All of these soaps contain goat's milk that naturally nourishes your skin.
Glow from your bath or shower this summer with a little help from Vermont Lavender.Did you know that there's spinach powder in our Bug Soap?
There are also a whole bunch of great vitamins and minerals for your skin, including chlorophyll, vitamins A, C, E, B2, B6 & K, and carrot powder. Most of the time we read about how these nutrients need to go into our bodies, but they are just as important for the largest organ of our bodies: our skin.
And because of these wonderful nutrients, our bug soap is also great for helping with eczema, psoriasis, and acne. It can't be all about the bugs!We also use clays in a number of our soaps for a few reasons. Two of the clays we use are rose clay and sea clay.
First, oils leech out faster from all-natural products; clay helps hold in the essential oils, especially the rich aromas. Second, the fine particles in the clay act as an exfoliant, but not a harsh one, and the minerals in the clays nourish and feed your skin.
Interested to see what a soap with clay can do for you?Try one of our lavender soaps, eucalyptus soaps, rosemary mint or English rose and palmarosa soaps.
Another popular soap is my lavender linen soaps. I make a lot of different designs with this scent because it sell out every time.
Whenever I do a new batch of our Lavender Linen soap, I think about my mom hanging the freshly-washed sheets on the line outside during the summer. There's just a wonderfully fresh scent that's part of the summer air no detergent can ever capture - but it's in our Lavender Linen soap, along with the beautiful purple, blue, and white color striations.
We've got one for the guys, too - our Sandalwood Cedarwood Musk Feather Design Soap. It has an uplifting, woodsy scent with hints of cedarwood underneath. Perfect for cleaning up after a hot day in the sun.
Make it a great date night with help from Vermont Lavender.
#datenight #weekend #cedarwood #lavender #sandalwood #vermontlavender #claysoaps #minerals #goodforyourskin #bugsoap #vitamins #greatskin
#summerglow #exfoliate #nourish #loveyourskin #byebugs #lemoneucalyptus #teatreeoil #citrus
Summer Kickoff - Protect Your Skin

- Tags: Bug soap Bye bugs soap Cedarwood soap Citrus soaps Clay soaps Coffee soaps Date night Exfoliant soaps Goat milk soaps Lavender essential oil Lavender linen Lavender linen soaps Litsea Cubeba essential oil Litsea Cubeba soaps Sandalwood soap Summer glow soaps Tea tree oil soaps Vermont Lavender soaps vermontlavender Weekend soaps