Our Citrus Bug Spray is a best-seller and we're happy to bring it to you each year. People have a lot of options when it comes to bug defense, and it's important to understand exactly what you're putting on your skin when it comes to repelling bugs.
One of the ingredients in our Citrus Bug Spray is soybean oil, which is a natural bug deterrent. It also moisturizes the skin, so you'll repel the bugs while keeping your skin healthy and nourished.
Getting ready to enjoy the great outdoors - safely, of course? Add some of our Citrus Bug Spray so that you can truly enjoy your day.Staying bug-free is tough, especially when it starts to get really hot out. When using our Citrus Bug Spray, I recommend reapplying every two hours and after swimming.
Essential oils are easily absorbed by the skin, which is why you want to reapply every 2 hours. It's not much more than commercial brands, but the good thing is your skin isn't absorbing DEET, it's absorbing compounds and nutrients that help it thrive and be healthy. Think of it as a 2-for-1: you stay healthy by keeping the bugs off, and you keep your skin healthy with all-natural essential oils.Another great thing about our Citrus Bug Spray: it can be used with sunblock.
A lot of bug sprays don't blend well with sunscreen so you don't get the protection you need from UV rays. All-natural ingredients work with your skin so sunscreen blends with our bug spray.Brands with DEET tend to be sticky and don't allow your sunscreen to absorb, so it can't form a protective layer.
Protect yourself the way you need to with help from Vermont Lavender.If you've tried one of the bigger brands of bug spray, you know the smell is pretty distinct. It's the kind of thing you can't wait to wash off.
While you may not want to use our Citrus Bug Spray as your personal scent, the truth is that it smells really good. The lemon eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender, cedarwood and clove essential oils blend together light, citrusy, minty aromas that are uplifting and not overpowering. You'd think bugs would like these smells but they don't, and that's the beauty of using these essential oils.
Our Citrus Bug Spray is great for people ages 3 & up.
So if you're planning a camping weekend or summer vacation get your protection! If you have campers in your family, help them protect themselves from flying critters with our Citrus Bug Spray. We make it in two sizes: our 4 ounce bottle and our travel bottle, which comes in our Bug Defense Kit.
Enjoy your summer without bug bites!
#weekend #gobugless #outdoors #vermontlavender #June #CitrusBugSpray #essentialoils #sniff #protect #nourish #blend #CitrusBugSpray #summeriscoming #healthyskin
Summer Bug Protection Understand What You're Putting On Your Skin

- Tags: Bug defense kit Bug free Bug Kit Bug lotion Bug lotion stick Bug off Bug repellent Bug soap Bug Spray Bye bugs soap Citrus bug spray Essential oils Eucalyptus oil Eucalyptus soap Free of bug bites Go bug less Insect repellent Insect repellent kit Lemon eucalyptus Litsea Cubeba essential oil Soybean oil