10 Dry Skin Care Routine Steps | Daily Skin Care at Home

10 Dry Skin Care Routine Steps | Daily Skin Care at Home

With the application of many over-the-counter sun protection lotions and creams, we still need to be diligent in protecting our skin for the coming winter months. A well-structured daily skin care routine at home is...
Facial Balm | Face Cream Dry Mature Skin | Natural | Rose Hip | Argan

Roses Skin Loving Benefits | German Chamomile | Carrot Seed | Argan Oil

Roses have amazing skin care benefits that when they're used with a daily skin care routine can improve the skin's elasticity and smoothness. Here are some of the benefits of these oils and essential oils...
Face Balm by Vermont Lavender

Rose Facial Balm

Hopefully we've given you enough new information about rose to make you think even better things about this amazing flower next time you see them in a bouquet or growing outside.
Rose Infusion taken by Vermont Lavender

Rose Infusions

The main way we add rose to our products is to infuse avocado oil with rose flowers we've grown, harvested, and dried. We use this infused oil for our rose balms and massage oils. We...
Pink Fairy Rose by Vermont Lavender

Rose Skin Cell Regenerator

Like lavender, calendula, and chamomile, I also grow roses. Roses are actually very hearty to Vermont. Mine are typically red, but some bloom in a beautiful fuchsia as well.
Rose anti-inflammatory properties

Rose Inflammation Reducing Properties

One of the biggest health benefits rose offers your skin is the reduction of inflammation. Rose is naturally anti-inflammatory.
Facial Care

Facial Care

Another sign that your skin is overly dry from the winter air is a visible increase in facial wrinkles. I know no one wants to hear that, but unfortunately, it's true.